Dr. Sanchayita Rajkhowa
Assistant Professor, Jorhat Institute of Science and Technologist, INDIA
Dr Sanchayita Rajkhowa, was born in Dibrugarh, Assam (in 1985) and is currently working as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Johrat Institute of Science & Technology (JIST), Jorhat, Assam, India. She earned her B.Sc. from Miranda House, Delhi (in 2006) and M.Sc. degree in Chemistry from University of Delhi, New Delhi (in 2008). She qualified NET-UGC-JRF and joined CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST), Jorhat as Research Fellow (in 2010) and later on she moved to North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, where she earned her doctoral degree (in 2017) under the supervision of Prof. Kochi Ismail. Just after, Dr Rajkhowa joined Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University, Guwahati as a Guest Faculty, where she taught physical chemistry to MSc students. Her current research is focused on surface chemistry (mainly surfactants) and ionic liquids. Since 2017, she has collaboration with Dr V. K. Tiwari's laboratory on the area of carboh ydrate chemistry particularly their impact on surfactant behavior and also glycohybrid molecules in drug development. Dr Rajkhowa has delivered 15 invited lectures in various institutions in India and awarded with 'Young Scientist Award' by CONIAPS-XXIV on Innovations in Physical Sciences for the year 2019. Dr. Rajkhowa has significantly contributed several peer-reviewed publications and invited book chapters of high repute. Recently, in 2021, Dr. Rajkhowa edited a popular book on 'Management of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Environment' for Elsevier Inc and at present editing a thematic issue of 'Current Organic Chemistry' on the topic 'Green Chemistry: Concepts and Application in Drug Development'.