Dr. Priyanka Tiwari
Lecturer of Prosthodontics,Penang International Dental College, Malaysia.
Dr. Priyanka Tiwari did her BDS & MDS from Indian reputed universities. Completed a Certificate course by the name “JADE: Joint Alliance Duke-NUS Education Certificate Program in Medical Affairs” in 2020 from Singapore Duke-NUS Medical University. She has 10 years of experience including teaching & clinical practice in various eminent hospitals, university & clinics and in research field. In the beginning of her career, she was invited to appear LIVE twice on GSTV channel in the program name YES DOCTOR SHOW in July 2014 & September 2014 which made her a known face in her field in Ahmedabad. She has 8 publications in various national & international journals. She has done 3 researches. She is a part of reputed associations in India i.e. Indian Dental Association (IDA) and Indian Prosthodontic Society (IPS). She attended 20 national, interdisciplinary & international conferences. She presented 5 papers, 1 poster & performed 1 table clinic. Additionally, was actively involved in Evidence Based Dentistry system (EBD) of teaching & learning. Also organised, together with her department the prestigious 41st IPS Conference in Ahmedabad, (Gujarat), India. She was also invited in 2018 as a Speaker & Chairperson in 2 international conferences to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia. She has been invited in 2020 & 2021 to become a speaker in 10 International Conference in Bangalore, India and Rome, Italy, New York, USA, UK, Dubai, France. She was in 2 international conferences organizing committee. She has done 8 international certificate courses. Finally, she is also a Reviewer to 11 national & international journals. Editorial board member in 11 international journals. She has received “Young Scientist Award 2021” in International Scientific Awards 2021 by VDGOOD India. Currently a lecturer in Department of Prosthodontics in Penang International Dental College (PIDC).