Dr.Deepti Thokal
Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Physiotherapy
Deepti Bunglow, Vaishnav Nagar, Wadarwadi Bhingar. Ahmednagar. Maharashtra. India.
Email: [email protected], Contact: +91-7757919524
Dr. Deepti C. Thokal is graduated : 2014(4Years and 6 months of Internship)from Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar. Maharshtra.India.Later on she did her Postgraduation in Community Physiotherapy : 2014-17(3 years)from the same Institute. During this span of Postgraduation she presented papers at National and International levels. She has also done an Workshop on Resident as a Teacher and Basic Workshop on Research Methodology. Also she has undegone a training program on Tai Chi Exercises. She is a Life Member of Indian Association of Physiotherapists and also a registered member of Maharashtra Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Council, Mumbai. She has published total number of 09 articles( till date) in National and International Journals. She has 04 years of Teaching Experience and currently working as an Assistant Professor (Community Physiotherapy) at Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s College of Phy siotherapy. Ahmednagar.