Dr. Anubha Bajaj., M.D.(Pathology) F.A.M.S
A.B. Diagnostics, New Delhi, Zipcode: 110027, India.
Email: [email protected], Contact: (+91) 09811693956
Specialization: Histopathology
I am a self employed Histopathologist practising in New Delhi, India since 1996. I have an M.D.(Pathology) from Panjab University Chandigarh, in 1993 and a Fellowship in Pathology from Indian Medical Association-Academy of Medical Specialities (IMA-AMS) in 2007. I am also a Life member of Indian Medical Association, Delhi Medical Association, Indian Association of Pathology and Microbiology. I have received numerous awards(the list is on LinkedIn profile) and was an Alternate Member of the governing council of Indian Medical Association in 2013. My subspecialist interest and my thesis is in non –gynae cytology “ Cytopuncture- Non aspiration fine needle cytology and it’s comparison with fine needle aspiration cytology” As a subspecialist Cytopathologist, I perform the FNAC in the office and report after adequate processing, correlation with subsequent histopathology and brief clinical history. Research Interests I attend various continuing professional development meetings and conferences. I have an independent page on Academia.com which lists my publications.