Prof. Aisha ELATTAR
Department of Dairy Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt
Prof Dr. El-Attar graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, Dairy Department in 1993 with excellent grade, and obtained a master's degree in the same department in 1997 with the title (Biotechnological studies on milk and milk products. Biochemical studies on enterococci). She also obtained Ph.D. from INA-PG, France in 2001 with the thesis title (Selection et caracterisation de mutants de Lactococcus lactis. presentant une forte activite gazogene). Dr. El ATTAR has been working in isolation and identification of LAB for ≈20 years. Also, she studied the probiotic characteristics of isolates from Egyptian environment as well as from the camel milk. Recently, she is the principal investigator of two national project about the innovated functional dairy products. She had more than 25 scientific papers published in both national and international journals.