Scientific Committee

Hideyuki Kanematsu

Hideyuki Kanematsu

Dr. Hideyuki Kanematsu, FASM (a Fellow of ASM International), FIMF (a Fellow of IMF) is a Specially Appointed Professor and Professor Emeritus at the National Institute of Technology (NIT KOSEN), Suzuka College, as well as a visiting professor at Nagoya University, Japan. He was the Dean of the Dept. of MS and Eng., and the former Deputy President of NIT(KOSEN), Suzuka College, Mie, Japan. Now he serves as the Unit Leader (Director) of the KOSEN Materials Science and Engineering Center under the GEAR 5.0 Project and is a specially appointed professor (Professor Emeritus). He has been an active researcher in the areas of Surface Science and Engineering of Materials for many years. He is particularly interested in R&D of antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiofilm materials. Dr. Kanematsu holds a B.Eng. (1981), a M. Eng. (1983) and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (1989), all from Nagoya University. He is a NASF Scientific Achievement Award winner. Also, he received Japan’s Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology Award in May 2021. This award is considered the number one prize from the Minister of Education in the Japanese government. In addition, he is an active member of many organizations like the ASM International, the National Association for Surface Finishing, etc.
