Scientific Committee

Mohammad F. Bayan

Mohammad F. Bayan

Dr. Mohammad F. Bayan is working as an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics at faculty of Pharmacy in Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan and is currently the Head of Pharmacy Department. The major focus of Dr. Bayan's research involves the development of controlled and triggered drug delivery systems using advanced and novel technologies. His work involves organic synthesis, synthesis and characterization of polymeric smart materials and performing drug release studies. Dr Bayan was awarded a scholarship from the Philadelphia University Jordan during his bachelor's study and a scholarship from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) during his master's study. After finishing the master's degree, Dr. Bayan has worked as a part time lecturer in JUST and Philadelphia University; until he awarded, in 2014, a scholarship from the Philadelphia University Jordan to commence his PhD studies in Queen's University Belfast, UK. He is author of more than 30 publications and received funding from national and international grants (Philadelphia University, Jordan; Project number 511/34/100 PU, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia; Project number RGP.2/31/43 and Najran University, Saudi Arabia; Project number NU/RG/MRC/12/20). Dr Bayan has presented his work at numerous international and national conferences such as the 10th world meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology; 6th APS International PharmSci and 38th All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Conference.
