Building on the success of the previous event on the International E-Conference on Sociology and Education, this year marks the largest International E-Conference on Sociology and Education on March 20-21, 2023.
This conference is specially organized by the United Research Forum team together with a committee of experts from international universities with the guidance of the Academic Governing Body of URF.
Awarding Ceremony: UR FORUM Awards & Recognition program is dedicated to recognizing individuals and institutions that have set the standard of excellence during the year and are given to the most outstanding researchers of the conference. Click here for more details
We look forward to welcoming you to the Sociology conference - 2023.
The Sociology of Money and Markets
Culture, Class, Politics: Social Theory
Power, Politics, and Social Change
Sociology of Gender
Work and Society
Women, Health, and Medicine
Media and Politics
Social Theory of Everyday Life
Power, Racism, and Privilege
Coming of Age in Unequal World
Sociology of War
Gender, Sexuality, and Society
Media and Modern Society
Fascism and Right-Wing Extremism: A Historical Sociology
Nature, Culture, and Politics
Sociology of Education
Urban Sociology
Sociology of the Family
Social Inequality
Environmental Problems and Environmental Activism in the People
International Migration and Immigrants
Globalization and Culture
Nations and Nationalism
Race and Crime
Business and Society
With a most dynamic approach to event management, the Sociology Webinar 2023 organized by United Research Forum offers a customized platform for each segment of attendees to present their research and experience. This International Conference features some critical attributes to make it worth attending with CPD accreditations.
Plenary Talks: More than 75 speakers from top universities and healthcare firms present their research and address the attendees covering every aspect of the domain.
Networking: Global gathering with a melange of young researchers to noble laureates, the conference provides ample opportunity to meet, greet and discuss during the conference