Abstract Submission

Abstract Template

Scientific Sessions

1. AI in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

2. AI in Data science

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

4. AI in Computer Vision

5. Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Agent Systems

6. AI for Healthcare

7. AI and ML for Cybersecurity

8. AI in the Internet of Things (IoT)

9. AI in Gaming and Virtual Reality (VR)

10. Human-Centric AI Enhancing Human Decision Making

11. Meta-learning and Transfer Learning

12. AI and ML for Large-Scale Data Analytics

13. Data Engineering

14. Data Analytics

15. Al for Environmental Science

16. Applications of Artificial Intelligence

17. Neural Networks

18. Computer Vision Fuzzy Systems

19. Cognitive Psychology

20. Al in Geospatial Data Analysis

21. Deep Learning

22. Data Security

23. Al in Science Education

24. Cyber Security

Submit Abstract
