Scientific Committee

Dr Pavel Jelnov

Dr Pavel Jelnov

Pavel Jelnov, PhD, is a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Labour Economics in Leibniz Universität Hannover since 2015. Previously, he completed PhD studies at the Berglas School of Economics at Tel-Aviv University. Pavel’s research is focused on several fields of Labour Economics. His PhD dissertation is dealing with the dynamics of the age of marriage during the 20th century. Recently, Pavel has explored the natural experiment of exogenous redirection of the Russian Jewish migration from the U.S. to Israel. In addition, he works on the issue of time zones in Russia, exploring the effect of clock reforms on health, demography, and time use. Finally, he works on the effect of the existence of the Nobel Prize in Economics on the profession in terms of productivity and citation patterns. Pavel Jelnov joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in December 2017.
