Special Issue: Preventive Strategies: Scaling Up Effective Public Health Interventions for Long-term Population Health Benefits
Ranking: Q1, Impact Factor: 8.5
JMIR Public Health & Surveillance (JPHS, Editor-in-chief: Travis Sanchez, Emory University/Rollins School of Public Health) is a top-ranked (Q1) Clarivate (SCIE, SSCI etc), Scopus, PMC/PubMed- and MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed international multidisciplinary journal with a unique focus on the intersection of innovation and technology in public health, and includes topics like public health informatics, surveillance (surveillance systems and rapid reports), participatory epidemiology, infodemiology and infoveillance, digital disease detection, digital epidemiology, electronic public health interventions, mass media/social media campaigns, health communication, and emerging population health analysis systems and tools. In June 2023, JPHS received an impact factor of 8.5
For more information visit : https://publichealth.jmir.org
Guest Editor: International Journal of Surgery. Bridging the Gap: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Surgical Care
Ranking: Q1 | Impact Factor (JIF): 13.4
The IJS is proud to have received a 2021 Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF) of 13.4. The journal is also fully indexed in the PubMed Central (PMC) database, ESCI, SCIE, Scopus, Embase, AcademicPub, ProQuest, Scisearch, Google Scholar, and covered by the Web of Science Core Collection – Surgery
For more information visit : https://www.editorialmanager.com/ijs/default2.aspx
Topic Issue: Advancing Evidence-Based Clinical Practice: Harnessing the Power of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Ranking: Q2 | Impact Factor: 3.9
Abstracting and indexing
Science Citation Index
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
For more information visit : https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/medicina-clinica
Special Issue: Global Action Plan 2030 for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All
Ranking: Q2 | Impact Factor: 1.7 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.1
Abstracting and indexing
This journal is included in the following abstracting and indexing databases.
AgeLine, Business Periodicals Index, CINAHL, Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Hospital Abstracts, Hospital Literature Index, Hospital Management Review, International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR), International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBL), Journal of Economic Literature, MEDLINE, ProQuest: PAIS, PubMed: MEDLINE, Social Sciences Citation Index, Thomson ISI
For more information visit : https://journals.sagepub.com/page/inq/collections/call-for-papers/global-action-plan-2030
One Health Approach in Global Health and Clinical Medicine- MDPI Journals
International Journal and Environmental Research in Public Health
Ranking: Q1, IF 4.6
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Ranking: Q1, IF 5.0
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Ranking: Q1, IF3.7
Ranking: Q1, IF 3.2
Ranking: Q2, IF 2.8
For more information visit : https://www.mdpi.com/topics/One_Health
Tobacco Smoking: Public Health, Policy and Future Challenges. Q1 (2023)
Ranking: Q1
All articles published in TID are indexed in the following databases:
Cabells Journalytics, CAS Source Index, Cinahl, Citebase, Crossref Metadata Search, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO, Embase, Hinari, ICI World of Journals, ICI Journals Master List, OCLC, PubMed Central (NLM ID: 101201591), SCImago, Scopus, SOCOLAR, Web of Science (SCIE, SSCI), Zetoc, OpenAIRE
For more information visit : http://www.tobaccoinduceddiseases.org
The International Journal of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and AIDS (IJMA) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, global health, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, methodology articles, field studies or field reports, policy papers, and commentaries in all areas of maternal and child health (MCH) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
PMC, PubMed/ NLM, DOAJ, ICMJE, Crossref, Scilit, Semantic Scholar, Electronic Journals Library, Summons (University of London), Google Scholar, Worldcat, Publons, Research Gate, Dimensions
For more information visit : https://mchandaids.org/index.php/IJMA
The International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health (IJTMRPH) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research, review articles, field studies, and commentaries on all aspects of applied or translational medical research, global and public health.The journal publishes papers that can be applied to global and public health practices, programs, and policies. The journal is passionate about papers that contribute to local and international efforts to improve the health of populations and save lives around the world.
Crossref, Scilit, ICMJE, Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, Worldcat, Research Gate
For more information visit : https://ijtmrph.org/index.php/IJTMRPH