Scientific Sessions

Track 1

Session 1

Public Health and Environmental Wellness
Maternal Health: Advancing Care and Outcomes
Mental Health: Holistic Approaches and Support
Health Promotion and Education: Empowering Communities
Environmental Health: Protecting Populations
Environmental Health: Tackling Climate Change Impacts
Social Determinants: Addressing Inequities

Track 2

Session 2

Disease Management and Clinical Care
Tobacco and Alcohol: Effective Risk Reduction
Clinical Medicine: Innovations in Patient Care
Non-Communicable Diseases: Prevention and Management
Communicable Diseases: Surveillance and Control
Health Services Management: Quality and Equity
Occupational Health and Safety: Worker Well-being

Track 3

Session 3

Pharmacy, Nutrition, and Medical Education
Pharmacy: Medication Safety and Access
Food and Nutrition: Healthy Diets and Malnutrition
Medical Education: Strengthening Healthcare Workforce
Health Communication: Enhancing Awareness

Track 4

Session 4

Life-Cycle Health and Reproductive Rights
Elderly Health: Aging Well and Longevity
Infant, Child, and Adolescent Health: Fostering Well-being
Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Access and Choices
Primary Health Care: Strengthening Systems
