Scientific Sessions

Track 1

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Non-Communicable Diseases

Track 2

Infrastructure, the Health System and Access to the New Technologies

Track 3

Role and Responses of the Health System and Health Personnel

Track 4

Safeguarding Maternal Child Health during a Pandemic

Track 5

The Challenge of Vaccinating Hard to Reach Populations

Track 6

Special Challenges for LowerMiddle Income Countries

Track 7

Vaccination and the Prevention of Infectious Disease

Track 8

Leading Public Health during a Dynamic Crisis

Track 9

Healthcare Management and Health policy

Track 10

Issues in Deployment of the COVID Vaccine

Track 11

Human Rights, Public Health and COVID-19

Track 12

Preserving the Health of First Responders

Track 13

How to Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy

Track 14

Health Economics and Health Informatics

Track 15

Training Community Health Workers

Track 16

Nutritional Issues with COVID-19

Track 17

Environmental Health

Track 18

Nutrition and Health

Track 19

Psychology and Mental Health

Track 20

Reproductive Health

Track 21

Disease Prevention and Control

Track 22

Public Health and Human Rights

Track 23

Migration Public Health

Track 24

Child and Adolescent Health

Track 25

Immunology and Infectious Diseases

Track 26

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Track 27

Public Health Technology

Track 28

Global Warming and Public Health

Track 29

Chronic Diseases

Track 30

Alcohol and Drugs

Track 31

Health Provider Burnout

Track 32

