Scientific Committee

Dr Syamsuriansyah

Dr Syamsuriansyah

Dr. Syamsuriansyah, MM., M.Kes was Born in Dena-Madapangga, December 1, 1978 is the Director of Polytechnic Medica Farma Husada Mataram Indonesia. The author completed his Master of Management in 2006-2008 at the “IMNI” School of Management in Jakarta. Then he continue his Doctoral Program of Public Health in 2016-2020 at Hasanuddin University Makassar. At the same time, the author also studied Master of Public Health at STIK Tamalatea 2016-2018 with a concentration in Health Administration and Policy. Currently, the author also the President Elect of ASEAN Association of School of Medical Technology (AASMT) and in addition, the Author is vice chairman of the Association of Indonesian Medical Laboratory Technology Higher Education (AIPTLMI) and board member of the Indonesian Medical Record and Health Information higher Education Association (APTIRMIKI) ) as Chairman of the international relations. In addition, the author is also a Regional Administrator of the Association of Indonesian Private Higher Education (APTISI) NTB as Deputy for domestic and international relations.
