Scientific Committee

Dr. Enkeleint A. Mechili

Dr. Enkeleint A. Mechili

Dr. Enkeleint A. Mechili, MSc, PhD (male) is a graduate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) and holds a Master and PhD from the same University. Since 2013, he is a Lecturer at Faculty of Public Health, University of Vlora, Albania. From January 2017 till July 2018, Dr. Mechili served as Vice-Rector of Vlora University. Since September 2020 he serves also as vice Rector for Research and Institutional Development. His research focuses mainly on Health Policy, Public Health and Epidemiology. Since January 2016 he is a research associate at Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete. Dr. Mechili has more than 45 published articles in peer review journals and has participated and presented scientific researches in many international conferences. In addition, he is a regular evaluator of international journals in public health and prevention. Dr. Mechili has been involved in several European projects. In 2013, he worked at BioMed (Marie-Curie programme) programme in Jordan. Since January 2016, he was involved at EUR-HUMAN project (CHAFEA project). Dr. Mechili has been involved also at EURST-PLUS project (Horizon 2020). Since 2017, Dr. Mechili worked at EPACTT-2 project as coordinator of Albanian team.
