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Colin Waldock
Physiotherapists as prescribers of medicine |
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Dr Roopa Desai
Immediate effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on EMG activity of Intrinsic foot muscles in young adults with flexible flat Feet |
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Rujuta Hetal Naik
Attitude and knowledge of physiotherapy students towards mental health and patients with psychiatric illnesses-an observational study |
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Ruqia Begum
Effects of Handgrip Training with and without Blood Flow Restriction in relation to Gender among young healthy adults |
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Ruqia Begum
Effects of Handgrip Training with and without Blood Flow Restriction in relation to Gender among young healthy adults |
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Tim Tsui
An approach encouraging children to participate in sports |
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Dr Ashu Sharma
Relationship between bmi and pefr among female paramedical students in vadodara, gujarat, india |
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Varje-Riin Tuulik
The correlation between muscle tissue properties (frequency, stiffness) measured by the myotonometry on m. trapezius and m. erector spinae before and after the balneological procedures |
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Oltiana Petri
Prevalence of Low Back Pain in Health Care Workers |
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Alexandru Mazareanu
"Myofascial Low Back Pain management after disc herniation using Dry Needeling and Electrotherapy |
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Vitor Alves Marques
Mental health of women in the third and fourth cycle of chemotherapeutic treatment with apparently healthy women |
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Sonali Joshi
Association of medial longitudinal arch with ability and function of foot among recreational runners: A Cross-sectional study |
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Impact of core stability on dynamic balance among boxing players: a correlational study |
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Isha Garg
Power index as a parameter of running speed among asymptomatic young adults: A Cross-sectional study |
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Priya Maurya
Impact of endurance training regime on VO2max of Basketball players: A Quasiexperimental study |
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Final Proceedings Book
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Final Proceedings Book
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