Abstract Submission

Abstract Template

Scientific Sessions

1. Otorhinolaryngology

2. Otology Neurotology

3. Laryngology and Larynx Disorders

4. Rhinitis and Sinusitis

5. Head and Neck Surgery

6. Oral Oncology

7. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

8. Skull Base Surgery Disorders

9. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Surgery

10. Craniofacial Surgery

11. Rhinology Sinus Surgery

12. Audiology and Communication Disorders

13. Paediatric ENT Treatments

14. Covid-19 ENT Infections

15. Diagnostic Approaches in Otorhinolaryngology

16. Speech Language Pathology

17. 3D Printing in ENT Surgery

18. AI and Machine Learning in ENT Diagnostics

19. Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

20. Telemedicine in ENT

21. Smart Implants

22. Innovative Imaging Techniques in ENT

23. Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss and Balance Disorders

24. Advances in Hearing Aid Technology and Auditory Brainstem Implants

25. Immunotherapy and Precision Medicine in Head and Neck Cancers

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