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International E-Conference on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products scheduled during December 15-16, 2021 at Webinar with a theme “Future Perspectives of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products” and was a great success where eminent keynote speakers, Speakers, Delegates and Poster Presenters from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering.

Medicinal Plants and Natural Products is for the gathering of Doctors, Botanists, Professors, researchers, Practitioners of Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and students of Medicines and Pharmacy, business tycoons and technocrats to display their recent research and talk about new thoughts, improvement and progresses in the fields of Medicinal Plants, Marine Plants, Acupuncture, Natural Products Research, Holistic Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Aromatherapy, Unani Medicine and Traditional Medicines, advancement in treatment and diagnosis or relieving symptoms of diseases, present and future challenges of Innovative treatment

Publishing: After the conference, all accepted conference abstracts/papers will be published with ISBN and DOI in the "United Research Forum" conference proceedings. In addition, all participants will be encouraged to submit an extended full manuscript to one dedicated Special Issue in "
Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences", URF Publishers on discounted Article Processing Charge (APC) 199 £ (Note: Subjected to peer review).

Medicinal Plants


Marine Plants, Marine Drugs and Marine Science

Plant Science Research

Natural Products Research

Plant Remedies

Poisonous Plants

Aromatic Medicinal Plants

Plant Biotechnology

Natural Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine

Traditional Medicine and Neurology

Herbal Medicines and Formulations

Ayurveda Medicinal Plants 

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Plants as Anti-Cancer Drugs


Aquatic Medicine

Unani and Siddha Medicine

Alternative Medicine

Ethno Medicine

Research on Medicinal Plants

Holistic Medicine

Ayurveda Medicine

Integrative medicine


Yoga Therapy

Complementary medicine

Natural Products Chemistry

Agricultural chemistry

Crude Drugs and Plant Products

Internal or General Medicines

Conference Speakers

Dr Emilia Pers-Kamczyc

Institute of Dendrology

Roch Appolinaire Houngnihin

University of Abomey-Calavi

Dr Bayan Tiba

Aleppo University
United Arab Emirates

Dr Kai-Wei Chang

Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tung’s Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital

Our Supporting Journals
