
Prof. Santanu Chaudhuri

Prof. Santanu Chaudhuri

University of Illinois Chicago, USA

Biography :

Professor of Materials, Chemical and Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois Chicago. CTO and Head, Research Technology and Innovation Center (RTIC), Thermax Ltd, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
An expert in materials engineering focusing on the challenges in scale-up and manufacturing of advanced materials for energy, aerospace, and defense applications. Nearly 26 years of pioneering research experience in the application of materials and chemical engineering principles and design innovations for accelerated deployment of material technologies.
As director of manufacturing science and engineering in the Argonne National Lab, led programs in AI-driven acceleration of energy technology deployment, materials scale-up, and discovery of new materials.
At RTIC, currently leading R&D for Energy Transition for Thermax Global.
Past and Present Projects: Industry, DOE, ARL, ARO, AFOSR, EERE/VTO, NSF, DHS, ARPA-E, EPRI funded projects in materials and process design for better understanding and control of dynamic multiscale processes during materials processing and use.
