Biography :
Miroslav Vujic is an Assistant Professor, Head of Chair of Transport Telematics, and Head of the Intelligent Transport Systems Laboratory at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He received a Ph.D. in the Intelligent Transport Systems area with a dissertation on Dynamic Priority Systems for Public Transport in Urban Automatic Traffic Control. At the University of Zagreb, Croatia (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences) he teaches courses at undergraduate and graduate levels: Architecture of Intelligent Transport Systems, Basics of Traffic Engineering, Road Telematics, In-Vehicle Telematics. He was the team leader of the H2020 project Twinning Open Data Operational (GA No. 857592) and was a team member of several other EU-funded projects (FP7-317671 Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved Traffic Efficiency—ICSI, FP7 CIVITAS ELAN Mobilizing Citizens for Vital Cities—Public Transport Priority and Traveller Information, GA No. 218954), and various other national and regional projects. The area of expertise of assistant. Prof. Miroslav Vujić is in the fields of development and application of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) concepts in traffic environments, traffic engineering, and cooperative systems, application and development of dynamic traffic management systems, development of adaptive traffic flow control models, data collection and processing for traffic and transport technology simulations, open data in traffic and transport