
Gianluigi Patelli

Gianluigi Patelli

ASST Bergamo Est company, Italy
Head of Radiology Department, Head of Radiology Department

Biography :

Dr Gianluigi Patelli, with Professor Pacella, introduced the Transperineal Interstitial Laser Ablation (TPLA) for the treatment of Benign Prostatic hyperplasia and published the first case study in Journal of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (JCVIR) . Other competences: Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Vasculare and extravascular Oncology Interventional procedures (embolizations – ablations) -Interstitial laser ablation for Benign Thiroid Nodules -Embolization of visceral aneurisms -Artery embolization in Post partum , fibroids, varicocele, Post traumatic bleeding -central venous catheter placement -vena cava filter placement. -US and CT guided drainage biopsies, nephrostomy.
