Scientific Committee

Giorgio Saverio Senesi

Giorgio Saverio Senesi

Dr. Giorgio Saverio Senesi has been a Researcher of the National Research Council (CNR) since 2001 at the current Institute of Plasma Science and Technology (ISTP), located in the Research Area of the CNR in Bari. 1995: Degree in Geological Sciences, University of Bari. 1995: Qualified as a freelance geologist, University of Bari. 1999: Researcher at the Centro Laser srl of Valenzano (Bari). 2000: PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Bari. 2000: PostDoc at the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, U.S.A. Author of over 120 scientific and technical publications, 14 book chapters and editor of the forthcoming book “African Meteorites” by Bentham Books (2023). Winner in 2009 of the CNR Award for strategically important results (37/100). Qualified to perform the functions of Level II university professor in the competition sector 03/B2 – Chemical Foundations of Technologies (2012); in the competition sector 03/A1 – Analytical Chemistry (2018) and in the competition sector 07/E1 – Soil Chemistry, Agricultural Genetics and Pedology (2021). He has participated in numerous national and international projects and was PI of the 4-year project of the Brazilian Program Ciencia sem Fronteiras (2013) entitled "Fast and low cost detection and quantification of carbon, plant nutrients and metals in Amazon soils by LIBS”; of the Italy-Scotland (CNR/RSE) bilateral project lasting two years (2021) entitled “Decay of historic stone masonry due to thermal cycles and salt crystallization: new challenges in a changing environment”, and of the Italy-Morocco bilateral project (CNR/CNRST) lasting two years (2022) entitled “In-field identification of Moroccan meteorites using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) handheld instrumentation”. He is currently PI of the Italy-Morocco bilateral project (CNR/CNRST) lasting two years (2024) entitled “An alternative technique for chemical classification of Moroccan iron meteorites using handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrumentation” and of the Italy-Brazil bilateral project (CNR/FAPESP) lasting two years (2024) entitled “Agriculture 4.0: Development of a new technology for phosphorus speciation in soils”, co-PI of the FAPESP - São Paulo (Brazil) project entitled “Evaluation of spark discharge assisted laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for total organic carbon determination in soils” and scientific director of the ISTP unit in PRIN (2020) entitled “UNDERLANDSCAPE: a multi- analytical approach to the study, conservation and valorisation of the underground historical environment and the surrounding landscape”. International internships and scientific collaboration with: EMBRAPA Instrumentation, Sao Carlos, Brazil for over 10 years; Physics Institute of the Federal University of Mato Grosso del Sud (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS, Brazil for more than 5 years; the Spectroanalysis and Automation laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of the State of São Paulo, Campus Araraquara, Brazil for more than 8 years; the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Agadir, Morocco for more than 5 years; the University Museum of Meteorites, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco; the Institute of Surface-Earth System Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China; the Department of Marine, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University, USA; the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
