f Global Wellness and Integrated Health Congress | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | March 15-16, 2023 | United Research Forum, London, UK
  • About Conference
  • Welcome letter

Following the success of first Global Congress on Integrated Health held in collaboration with Mutah University, Jordan, the entire team of GCIH2022 would like to welcome everyone for a second edition held under the theme “A Quantum Leap in Wellness and Healthcare Management Through Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration”  this year marks the 2nd largest Global Wellness and Integrated Health Congress on March 15-16 , 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

This event will go HYBRID that will be held both in person (Physically) and Online (Virtually via Zoom). This conference is specially organized by  United Research Forum  team together with a committee of experts from international universities with the guidance of the Academic Governing Body of URF.

Abstract Submissions and Registrations for the conference is now open. Please email Mr John Surendan johnsurendra@urforum.org for more details.

CPD Accredited Event: United Research Forum is now officially committed to being a valuable and knowledgeable partner with “The CPD Group” an accredited CPD Provider with Accreditation Number # 778533. Attend in person or online via live stream and earn your 2 CPD Credits/Hour spent in the Educational Activity.

Call for abstracts: Interested in presenting your work at GCIH2022? The call for abstract is now open. To get an idea of how to prepare your abstractsubmission deadlines click here.  We look forward to welcoming new research papers from the Scientific Sessions. You can present an Oral/Poster/Video/Workshop/Symposium and we will provide you with different registration packages for each presentation category.

Conference Proceedings Publication: All accepted abstracts for the Global Congress on Integrated Healthcare (GCIH2022) will be published in United Research Forum Conference Proceedings with an associated ISBN and DOI Number. If your abstract is accepted and you have paid the registration fee for the  GCIH2022  you are encouraged to submit your full papers.

Full Paper Publication:  We believe your paper deserves to meet its ultimate research destination. With the aim of locating your research to the right destination, Global Congress on Integrated Healthcare (GCIH2022) has amplified its publication opportunities by partnering with URF Publishers
Hence all participants are encouraged to submit an extended full manuscript to one dedicated Special Issue in "Journal of Integrated Healthcare" with discounted Article Processing Charge (APC). Note: All full papers sent will be subjected to double-blind reviewing process and will be published electronically with an ISSN a DOI Number.

Free Membership: Become a member at the time of registering to GCIH2022 and your savings are equivalent to getting your membership for FREE. Grab the opportunity here 

UR Forum Bursary Scheme: Grants are now available that help early career researchers with funds to attend any of the URF Conference. Become a member of URF and attend GCIH2022. Apply here for a Grant

GCIH2022 Quiz Competition: To make presentations exciting with fun and free during sessions, GCIH2022is conducting Quiz Competition on Day 2. All student delegates who are desirous in participating can get ready with your team. Click here to apply

GCIH2022 Educational Video Competition:  If you wish to take part in the GCIH2022 video competition, then shoot a video and send it to us. It should be an educational video based on your research related to conference theme. Click here to apply

Awarding Ceremony:  UR FORUM Awards & Recognition program is dedicated to recognizing individuals and institutions that have set the standard of excellence during the year and are given to the most outstanding researchers of the conference. Click here for more details

We look forward to welcoming you to Dubai.

Respectfully Yours,
Mr. John Surendran
International Scientific Coordinator | 

Prof. Elvessa Narvasa
Chairman, GWHC 2022
Head of URF Committees

Dear Colleagues - Health Care Providers and Experts from different fields of study

My warm thanks to the CEO of United Research Forum Dr Vanga, for the opportunity of welcoming and addressing you. It is an honour and privilege. I am grateful that we are gathered in this Dubai Hybrid Conference on Global Wellness and Healthcare Congress during March 15-16, 2023 to exchange ideas on addressing the diversity of healthcare management practices worldwide especially in this critical juncture of our civilization where disease knows no borders.

The conference will cover a wide spectrum of presentations related to collaborative approaches that include disciplines that transcend medical borders. It will feature internationally renowned speakers who will share, discuss, and dissect significant new developments and scientific advancements. They will also be sharing insights into cutting edge technologies that will impact the future of clinical trials and related fields. This conference will be participated by professionals from diverse fields like Agriculture, Culinary Medicine, Dentistry, Geology, Material Science, Nutrition, Public Health, Virology and other domains.

We are looking forward to a highly productive meeting of great scientists from different countries around the world and I thank you all for your commitment and active participation to the advancement of our practice.

On behalf of the UNITED RESEARCH FORUM team, I wish you all stay healthy and safe.

Conference Scientific Committee

Dr Navin H Khan

Sports nutritionist, Immune Whey LLC

Prof. Waqar Al-Kubaisy

Full Professor and Academic Tenure of public Health, Mutah University

Prof Michael S. Fenster

Professor of Culinary Medicine

Prof. Dr. Sandro Nuno Ferreira De Serpa

University of the Azores

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Waqar Al-Kubaisy

Full Professor and Academic Tenure of public Health, Mutah University

Richard Kaszynski

Director, Stanford Solutions, Ai Pharma Lab Chief Medical Officer

Mrs Michelle Sugiyama

Founder of Mindful Eating, Nationally board-certified health and wellness coach

Prof Michael S. Fenster

Professor of Culinary Medicine

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Maysar Sarieddine

Founder/ Director at The Inner Space, Lebanon

Dr Elvessa Narvasa

Provincial Director of Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses

Dr.Mohamed Ahmed

Chief Associate Professor Arizona Elks Endowed Chair in Neonatology

Conference Speakers

Dr. Emilio Arguello

Harvard University School of Dental Medicine, Boston

Dr. Alexey Fomenkov

New England Biolabs

Magdalena Kwiatkowska

Medical University of Lublin

Ms. Abeer Abbas

American University of Sharjah, Sharjah
About Conference

Schedule Plan

  • Day 01 15 Mar 2023
  • Day 02 16 Mar 2023

Our Supporting Journals
