
Viji Venugopal Kochath

Viji Venugopal Kochath

Data Scientist/ Researcher, R. K. University, India

Biography :

Viji is a data science enthusiast having 11 years of experience in Data Analysis, worked across all aspects of data from engineering to building sophisticated visualizations, machine learning models and experiments. Currently working as a faculty with GEMS education and as a researcher at Rise Hydroponics India to optimize crop growth using Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms to build sustainable food security for the future. She has also proved her skills as a data engineer at Union Bank of India and was appointed as a data analyst at Central Salt and Marine Central Research Institute (CSMCRI), one of the top performing national R&D laboratories in India which are based on the salt and marine chemicals analysis, water desalination and purification, renewable energy, salinity tolerance and waste management. While working with an educational institution in UAE she led a Machine learning project about “21st Century Transportation” for Think Science UAE (2018) event. She is currently pursuing PhD in Deep Learning and previously completed her degree & master's degree in Computer Applications (2012) and has done a diploma in Machine Learning Specialization and Deep Learning from IIT Roorkee (2020). Her current research interest is Artificial neural networks, backpropagation algorithms in deep learning, and exploratory data analysis.
