f Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Singapore Conference 2024 | 16-17th Aug 2024, Singapore.
  • About Conference
  • Sessions/Tracks

Hello Everyone!!

United Research Forum pleasure in inviting you to the “4th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” which is slated during August 07-08, 2025 with the theme “Exploring Current Developments and Applications in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” in Singapore.

ICCCE - 2025 anticipates more than 60 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations. This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Chemistry Researchers, Professors and Assistant Professors of Chemistry, Partners and Academicians related to Chemistry, Postgraduates and Graduates in Chemistry, Chemistry scholars, Chemistry scientists, Head of Chemistry Departments, Directors, CEO’S and Students.

URF invites leading research scientists, professors, students, and experts from both academia and industry to join us on August 07-08, 2025 for panel discussions, debates, presentations, and more…

Looking forward to see you on the screen all,

Best Regards
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference Committee

Scientific Sessions and Tracks

  • Advanced analytical techniques in chemistry          
  • Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • Bioinorganic Chemistry                                                               
  • Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
  • Chemical, Biomedical, and Biological Engineering                   
  • Chemistry Education and Communication
  • Chemistry for Sustainability                                                         
  • Chemistry in Clinical Research
  • Chemistry of Energy                                                                     
  • Colloid and Surface Chemistry
  • Electrochemistry and Corrosion                                                   
  • Future Scope of Chemistry
  • Green Chemistry and Sustainable Practices                               
  • Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
  • Multidisciplinary Chemistry                                                           
  • Nano Particles, Colloids and Emulsions
  • Nanoparticles and its applications in chemical engineering   
  • Nanoscience and Materials Chemistry
  • Natural Products Chemistry                                                           
  • New Synthetic Methodologies in Organic Chemistry
  • Nutrition and Food Chemistry                                                         
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Petrochemistry                                                                                  
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Plastics, Paints and Synthetic Materials                                         
  • Polymer science and technology
  • Pure and Applied Chemistry                                                           
  • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Conference Scientific Committee

Rainer Timm

Lund University

Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak

Koszalin University of Technology

Dr. Erica Edfort

Chamberlain University

Yathrib Ajaj

German University of Technology

Keynote Speakers

Yanju Liu

Beijing Center for Physical & Chemical Analysis

Balamurugan Ramalingam

ARES-A STAR Research Entities

Osman Adiguzel

Firat University

Conference Speakers

Mohammad F. Bayan

Faculty of Pharmacy, Philadelphia University

Prof. Patrick Wengler

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Dr. Hamad A. Al-Lohedan

Department of Chemistry, King Saud University
Saudi Arabia

Prof. Wong Kong Ching Johnny

University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong