Abstract Submission

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Scientific Sessions

1. Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence

2. Neural Networks And Learning Systems

Neural Network is defined as Artificial intelligence technique that mimics the operation of the human brain (nerves and neurons), and comprises of densely interconnected computer processors working simultaneously.

3. Machine Learning Research

Machine learning is a part of data science which majorly focuses on writing algorithms in a way such that machines (Computers) are able to learn on their own and use the learning’s to tell about new dataset whenever it comes in. Machine learning uses the power of statistics and learns from the training dataset. It is the interesting data-driven disciplines that help organizations make better decisions and positively affect the growth of any business.

4. Fuzzy Systems

Fuzzy System is a form of many-valued logic that deals with approximate, rather than fixed and exact reasoning. Compared to traditional binary logic, fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value that ranges in degree between 0 and 1.

5. Robotics Research

After several new achievements in Medical Robotic Research, people have created to know the distinctive advantages of using robots for medical purposes. The main reasons that have drawn much attention to robotic systems results from their capability in carrying out a change of clinical and other medical tasks with high accuracy and repeatability, and their ability to provide physicians with improved visual feedback. Due to their capabilities and benefits in clinical areas, the research and deployment of robots for medical applications has increased. Today, medical robotic technology has improved, resulting in increase of medical robots on the market along with their applications in real clinical situations. In future, it is expected that robots will play very important roles in modern medical diagnosis, surgery, rehabilitation, and drug delivery.

6. Memory And Language

7. Computer-Aided Verification

8. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a computer-controlled robot or software to thinks intelligently and focuses on understanding core human abilities such as vision, speech, language, decision making, and other complex tasks, and designing machines and software to emulate these processes.

9. Computational Biology

10. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, make decisions and identify designs with insignificant human intervention. Machine learning is a method for making a personal computer, a PC-controlled robot, or a product thinks smartly, and in a comparative way, the perceptive people think. They are normally grouped by either learning style or by comparison in method or function. It simplifies the continuous advancement of scheming through an introduction to new scenarios, testing, and adaptation while employing pattern and trend detection for improved decisions in succeeding situations. ML gives possible arrangements in every one of these areas and is set to be a support of our future progress.

11. Computational Learning Theory

12. Information Theory

13. Intelligent Systems

14. Human-Machine Systems

15. Cognitive Psychology

16. Cognitive Science

17. Computational Linguistics

18. Deep Learning In AI And ML

Deep Learning is a machine learning technique that constructs artificial neural networks to mimic the structure and function of the human brain. In practice, deep learning, also known as deep structured learning or hierarchical learning, uses a large number of hidden layers -typically more than 6 but often much higher - of nonlinear processing to extract features from data and transform the data into different levels of abstraction (representations).

19. Natural Language Processing

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence which deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language. NLP makes it possible for the  computers to read text, hear speech, interpret the data , measure sentiment and determine which parts are important mostly NLP techniques rely on machine learning to derive meaning from human languages. Tasks that are used in higher-level NLP are Content categorization, Speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion, Document summarization, Machine translation.

20. Big Data To AI

Big Data Analytics studies a large amounts of data to remove hidden patterns, relationships, and other dreams. However, the advancement that big data analytics conveys to the industry includes efficiency and speed. AI and Big Data still do work well organized, as AI needs data to build its intelligence and Big Data can provide the data needed to prepare the learning algorithms, particularly machine learning. This session will help particularly organizations and industry people to gather knowledge on how to utilize their data and use it for commercial opportunities. Big Data can support in reconstruction of major business methods by a proper and accurate interpretation of available data. It has its applications in marketing, sales, product development, merchandising, etc.

21. Artificial Neural Network

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is data organizing worldview that is forced by the way organic sensory systems. Artificial Neural Networks perform specific tasks like pattern recognition, clustering etc. on the computer. They are similar to the human brains, obtain knowledge through learning and their knowledge is stored within interneuron connection strengths. An Artificial Neural Network is designed for a particular application such as design acknowledgment or information arrangement, through a learning procedure.  They are capable of processing and modelling nonlinear dependence between inputs and outputs in parallel. They are characterized by containing flexible weights along paths between neurons that can be tuned by a learning algorithm that learns from observed data in order to improve the model. Deep Learning is a function of artificial intelligence that copies the workings of the human brain in processing data and creating designs for use in decision making. Deep learning is structured learning that is a section of the machine learning method based on learning data description. It uses some form of inclination extraction for training via back propagation. The layers used in deep learning incorporate hidden layers of artificial neural networks and sets of propositional formulas.

22. Robots

When most people hear the term artificial intelligence, the first thing they usually think of robots. A robot is a mechanical device that is capable of performing a variety of tasks on command or according to instructions programmed in advance so a robot perform a task easily and with greater accuracy Some everyday examples of robots are

23. Human-Robot Interaction

Human-robot interaction is the study of interactions between humans and robots. It is often referred to as HRI by researchers. Human-robot interaction is a multidisciplinary field with contributions from human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language understanding, design, and social sciences. Human-robot interaction has been a topic of both science fiction and academic speculation even before any robots existed. Because HRI depends on knowledge of (sometimes natural) human communication, many aspects of HRI are continuations of human communications topics that are much older than robotics.

24. Types Of Artificial Intelligence Learning Models

Learning is the fundamental building blocks of artificial intelligence it helps in improving the knowledge of Artificial intelligence programming.AI learning processes focused mainly on processing of a collection of input-output pairs for a specific function and predicts the outputs for new inputs. The learning models used in AI and ML 

25. Artificial Intelligence In Computer Vision

Computer vision is a part of artificial intelligence that enables a machine to understand the visual world. With the help of computer vision, a computer system can precisely locate and identify images and videos to fetch meaningful information from the real world Artificial intelligence helps computer vision to serve the following purposes

26. AI And ML In Cloud Computing And Mobile Computing

Cloud computing services have morphed from platforms such as Google App Engine and Azure to Infrastructure which involves the provision of machines for computing and storage. The points in the direction of the growth of Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. About 90% of early cloud adopters claim that cloud technology will play an important role in their Artificial Intelligence initiatives in the coming years. And more than 55% of users chose cloud-based services and are leveraging SaaS and PaaS to execute and deploy AI-infused cloud results. Cloud Machine Learning Platforms: technologies like AWS ML, Azure ML and the upcoming Google Cloud ML use a technology that is held responsible for powering the creation of Machine Learning models. But excepting Google Cloud ML that leverages Tensor Flow can be difficult because a large number of cloud ML technologies won’t allow implementation of AI programs coded in conventional AI.

27. Data Science Algorithms

There are many definitions for data science, but we like to think of the field as the multidisciplinary approach to unlocking stories and insights from the data being collected on a variety of behaviors, topics, and trends. Data science is everywhere — and chances are you’ve already interacted with it today a whole lot. Take Google’s search engine, for example. Its algorithm and site ranking and results are firmly in the realm of data science. If you’ve uploaded a photo on Facebook and the social media platform suggested tagging a friend, you’ve interacted with data science. That Netflix recommendation to continue your binge-watching, Amazon’s product recommendations, or targeted advertisements are all the result of data science.

28. Automation, Tools, And Frameworks In AI And ML

Developing the AI and ML application is long and it requires lot of through behind the implement of an application so we have the Tools and frameworks that are available for the developers and data scientists. 

29. Real-World Artificial Intelligence Applications


Artificial intelligence and its applications are endless and are applied in all disciplinary.

30. AI And ML In Space Exploration

Countries across the globe have been running on the race to explore space for a century now so the space exploration process is also adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics to fast-track their mission

31. AI And Machine Learning In Health Care Medical Science


AI technologies have high importance to healthcare. To increase the effective pathway in health care and medical science the artificial intelligence is adopted. AI is used as

32. Industrial Applications Of AI

The AI technologies are rapidly increasing in the field of automotive manufacturing industry. The Robots are taking a great participation in automotive manufacturing.

33. AI In Cyber Security

Computer-based intelligence's critical job right presently is to offload work from human cybersecurity engineers, Big Data to deal with the profundity and detail that people can't handle quick enough or precisely enough. Advances in Artificial Intelligence innovation imply that Artificial Intelligence applications can likewise consequently adjust to changes in dangers and spot issues as they emerge.

34. Future Scope Of AI

The future Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the possible to change the world. While from the time when the Turing Analysis was introduced, computers have become so smart. Artificial Intelligence is quick turning into a major economic energy. Definitely it will be an essential part of human life in future. However, an important question remains is that what will occur if the review of robust Artificial Intelligence be successful and an Artificial Intelligence system come to be better than humans. We have confidence in this session will help us to discuss, improve and avoid such possible outcomes in the future.

35. AI in sociology

36. AI in Online education

37. Toward a Sociology of Artificial Intelligence

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