Scientific Committee

Prof Dr Judith Reindl

Prof Dr Judith Reindl

Judith Reindl studied physics with minor subject radiation and tumor biology at the LMU in Munich, where she graduated with a Master of Science in 2012. During her studies she worked in the section of medical physics at the Rienecker Proton Therapy Center in Munich. Starting from 2012 she conducted her PhD at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, and she was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. with honours in 2017. The main topic of her PhD was the radiation response of human cells and the spatial clustering of DNA repair factors investigated using super-resolution microscopy. Furthermore she was responsible for the ion microprobe setup SNAKE located at the tandem accelerator in Garching near Munich. This included the software and hardware development of this complex setup including live cell imaging and detection of cells and DNA repair factor clusters. Due to her outstanding scientific and educational qualitiy she was awarded a junior professorship in biomedical radiation physics at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. Her main research interest lies in the development of new radiotherapy methods, the investigation of radiation response of human cells as well as in developing new analysis tools for cell biology based on AI. In her group an deep learning based algorithm was developed, which for the first time is able to detect, classify and track cells in non-labelled, live-cell phase-contrast videos, which has the potential to revolutionize the way how analysis in cell and especially radiobiology is performed. In 2019 she was awarded a guest lecturer and scientific stay at the National University Singapore. Since 2020 she serves as guest lecturer at the LMU Munich and as guest research adviser at the TU Munich and the LMU Munich in the sections radiobiology and medical physics.
